Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Pray for Peace

Our parents' generation was defined by their "peace-man" mentality, hippies we call them. They were against the wars America had engaged in, for most of their lives.
We need to do the same thing. Africa is falling apart. We need to step in and make a difference. All I know to do is pray. God did not give me the abilities to speak peace between people, I would just tell them to get over it...and that doesn't solve anything! But God did give that ability to other people. And I pray that their hearts will be softened to the happenings in Africa and step in. One of those people is Jimmy Carter. He is a great man, a humanitarian, a peacekeeper, and a good person. He has been there and made his mark...maybe he cvan do more, I don't know. All I know to do is pray.

Pray for God to be there.

Pray for those innocent people not to suffer anymore.

Pray for compassion to grip the people of Africa in so many ways they are overwhelmed and seek to love their fellow man more than ever before.

Pray for the people who God has geven the oppertunity to go there and help, for their saftey, their endurance and perserverence, and for their lives to be so richly blessed for doing what they do there.

Pray for the leadership of the countries, people-groups, and tribes in Africa, that they will seek peace.

Pray .

Pray for Africa.


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