Tuesday, November 6, 2007

a little reminder for me...

Check this out. I love the BBC News Africa Page. I check it out daily. There is usually stories on there that Cnn, Msnbc and other American news stations neglect to share.

This report is about the migrants from Africa, all around Africa, to the West Coast, so the Canary Islands, and on to Spain, and Europe and eve nthe US. It is so interesting and devestaing to hear these people's stories as they seek a better life, a life that I have been blessed to have from birth, a life that sometimes holds us back from truely knowing Jesus Christ, from giving away all our possessions and giving to others, America is a blessed and wonderful nation and I am thankful to have been born here, I just wish that others, more, could be blessed in the same way, blessed with food on the table, a pillow to lay their heads on and an education to be had, medicines at their fingertips. I often take all of that for granted, the little things that I don't think about really do mean life or death to other people. My husband gave me a "Thankful Journel" I call it; it's a book that I can write what I am thankful for everyday of the year, just to remind myself how good I really do have it, I am thankful that he gave me that. Yesterday I was thankful for my good teeth...never had a cavity. Today, I'm thankful for the simple things, a roof over my head, my parents being in my life, food on the table...I could go on and on...it's those things that I have, I don't deserve, but God has blessed me to have them in my life...the simple things in life amaze me sometimes. Just puttng it into perspective a little bit. Sometimes I just need that little reminder...it's not all that bad, really.

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