Saturday, December 22, 2007

Idol Gives Back

I go this email from Idol Gives Back this morning...thought I'd share. I've been an Idol fan for a couple of years now, but after they did this this year, I am hooked!! So here's what the said...

We'd like to take this opportunity to wish you well for the festive season and update you about some outstanding news from Africa. And we'd like to offer you a chance to share in the festive spirit by helping more young people in desperate need at home and overseas.

Back in April, Violet and Grauman were two vulnerable orphans aged 12 and 10 living in Kibera, a huge slum area in Kenya. They were being forced to scavenge because they had no adult support to provide food or clothing; they had no protection and no one was caring for them. You can watch their story again.. Now the project Kicoshep, supported by Idol Gives Back, has provided uniforms and helped make sure they are in school and they're reunited and living with their Grandmother in a much safer part of Kenya, Kisumu. Both Violet and Grauman are looking forward to a brighter future. All because of your support for Idol Gives Back.

It costs just $50 to make a real change by getting a young person into school for a whole year. And that's the best way to secure their future. Please give whatever you can spare to help more young people like Violet and Grauman. Yes, I would like to help change a life right now.

With best wishes for a fantastic New Year and heartfelt thanks for your support.

The CPEFund Team

P.S. Watch this video to remember how you helped to save and change thousands of lives. Thank you.

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