Thursday, January 10, 2008

Kenya and My Presidental Vote.

I read an article on the BBC News Website this morning that made me a little sad.

The top US official for Africa, Jendayi Frazer, and four former African presidents have also been in Nairobi, trying to seek a solution to the crisis.

...but that's all they agree on.

Mr Kibaki maintains he won the election fairly, but Mr Odinga says it was stolen.

This situation is no good. Kenya is supposed to be an example of the possibility of a stable African government.

Obama is on the campeign trail, no doubt very busy on the road with all he has to get done, and being a husband/father and Senator at the same time, but he also managed to show some love. Read about it here. He has been in negotiations with Kenyan leadership on both sides of the dispute to convince them to attempt peace and to repair the brokenness that has been caused in the last few weeks. To me, that is what a President of the United States should be; someone who will talk peace, live peacfully, and seek to help where his influance can be helpful. I will be voting for Obama. I respect him, I respect his heart for change and peace.

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