Because these weapons are headed for Zimbabwe, where they will be used against Robert Mugabe's opponents in that country, a Chinese ship (the An Yue Jiang) is being blocked from port near Durban, South Africa. With pressure fr

om the US, South African union, church, and human rights leaders joined forces to keep the Chinese freighter out of any port, therefore stopping shippment to the land-locked country of Zimbabwe. Zimbabwian church leaders are reporting that people there are being tortured, abducted and murdered by those seeking retribution from opposition supporters. This has been the result of the March 29th election. The church leaders and people of Zimbabwe are pleading for international intervention. The only intervention they have received so far has been this boat not being able to deliver chinese weapons to Zimbabwe rebels.
Now I ask, why do you think, would China be sending weapons and arms and equipment to a country where there is mass murder and other human rights violations occuring daily? Why would a country as large as China, as prosperous, and wealthy as China do that?...because they are only in it for the money. They don't care where their weapons go after they sell them, they have the money at that point. It's selfishness and it makes my heart ache.
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