OUAGADOUGOU, Burkina Faso - After she woke in the dark to sweep city streets, after she walked an hour to buy less than $2 worth of food, after she cooked for two hours in the searing noon heat, Fanta Lingani served her family's only meal of the day. First she set out a bowl of corn mush, seasoned with tree leaves, dried fish and wood ashes, for the 11 smallest children, who tore into it with bare hands. Then she set out a bowl for her husband. Then two bowls for a dozen older children. Then finally, after everyone else had finished, a bowl for herself. She always eats last.

A mother's love is the same, no matter the culture, the language, the time, the circumstances.
A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie. ~Tenneva Jordan
And these mothers have no choice but to feed their families first. The youngest children are fed, then the older, then her husband, and if there is any left over, she makes a bowl for herself.
Now that's sacrifice.
This is a picture of a little girl who works on her family's vegitable stand, After working hard all day, she is allowed to have an ear of corn.
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