Monday, July 14, 2008

This Should Not Be

After reading this and writing this blog. I began to think...this should not be.

These children should not be experiencing the things that they have to experience. They should not be losing limbs and losing parents and losing friends and losing their home and everything they know. They should be playing and going to school and worrying about their ABC's and arithmetic. They should be eating ice cream and candy, not going to bed hungry multiple nights in a row. They should be pouring over a book and getting into a good story instead of worrying about the solders coming into their home and raping them.

When I was 12, what was my biggest concern? From what I can remember, it mainly consisted of homework, boys, church and music. I had troubles, at least I thought they were troubles, they were dramas that I blew out of proportion, but they come no where close the the troubles that these children face on a daily basis.

We've read what the Nazi's did to the Jews, Gypsies, and other "non-perfect" peoples using Gleichschaltung before and during WWII, and the world stepped in. No matter the cost, many American men signed up to fight this terrorist, Adolf Hitler, alongside Englishmen, Russians, French, Italians, and many other countries who sought to eradicate the evil happening to so many innocent.

No matter the cost.

The world saw the injustices and stepped in.

I pray that is what is beginning to happen now, with the arrest warrent over the head of President Omar Hassan al-Bashir or Sudan.

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