Monday, September 8, 2008


I just got an email from who is in Ethiopia digging a well today, on his 33rd birthday. He has an amazing charity called charity : water. He raises funds to build wells in African villages so that they people can have clean drinking water and water to bathe, clean and cook with. It's amazing how much that can change lives. The people struggle and die everyday simply because they do not have clean water and water is such a necessity to sustain human life. So Scott is providing access to that rare comondity for as many people as he can. Here's what the email said...

"A few hours ago, water came shooting out of the ground from 184 feet deep at the Abenea school in northern Ethiopia. More than 2,000 people looked on and cheered, knowing their kids would soon have clean water to drink.
Please take 2 minutes and watch the drilling video."

It seems like it costs us so little to make a HUGE impact on someone else's life.

Get involved. Make a difference.

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